Hello everyone,

It is planned that a new fresh set of welcome pages [1] will soon be
merged on osm.org thanks to the effort of a number of people. These
pages are designed to be a friendly and an easy introduction to osm.

As these pages are one of the first things new mappers see and there
have been complaints about this in the past, we would like to try this
time and get as many translations as possible  done before this goes live.

It would be great if people could help out and make sure these are
translated to as many languages as possible.

As the current translatewiki based system [2] is not setup to elicit
translations from pre-merge strings, it is unfortunately necessary to do
this outside of the normal translation system.

The best way to do this is probably to fork the relevant source code on
github ( https://github.com/osmlab/openstreetmap-website/ in the
welcome-2 branch), and then edit your local language translation file.

The English reference file is

The main section that needs translating is the "welcome_page:" section.

Once you have the translation you can send a pull request to get the
translation merged and ready for when it goes live.

It is unfortunately a bit more effort, but hopefully worth it.

If you are planning on working on a translation, you should probably
announce it here to coordinate and not cause duplicate effort.

I am currently working on the German translation.


[1] welcome.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org
[2] https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:OpenStreetMap

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