On  14.09.2013 01:17, SomeoneElse wrote:

> Previously (in 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2013-August/067936.html) 
> I had a quick count-up of new user errors in bits of GB that I'm 
> familiar with for the month before iD became the default editor for
> most browsers.
> I've done the same again (for the period 20/8/2013 to 13/9/2013), for 
> most of which iD has been
> the default editor for most new users.

Do you also look for relations?
By chance I found a MP relation with one outer not closed way -
nothing more. Before the last edit with iD it had 5 outer and 33 inner
ways: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/1417720/history

( I repaired the MP and contacted the user who had just made three edits
- one with each editor. He said he had just added and corrected some
minor stuff and seemed very reasonable.)


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