malenki wrote:

Do you also look for relations?
By chance I found a MP relation with one outer not closed way -
nothing more. Before the last edit with iD it had 5 outer and 33 inner

Yes - a while back I noticed one example of someone deleting all the inners from a multipolygon relation, so I've been on the lookout for relation-related errors since. There are a few examples of iD users "creating relations for no purpose" but I've not counted those as "errors" because what results is not "wrong" - it's just using more data than is necessary to represent something.

However, the data that I'm looking at is primarily England. There aren't the same underlying imported landuse multipolygons that you get in parts of the US or the NL, or the manually added wood/forest of Germany, so there's less to break in that area. About the only large wood/forest area in the area that I look at is Cannock Chase, and that's just a way:

(the "note" on that correctly indicates that there's a more work to be do there** - separating the "Chase" area from what's actual woodland would be a start)



** and I'm as guilty of not doing that as anyone else!

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