Hi all,

I note that there hasn't been a recent "what developments are currently
happening" type email, so I'll step in with this one.

At SOTM 2013 John Firebaugh (mapbox) presented an update to the SOTM US
talk that explored a new vision for the openatreetmap.org website. The talk
was well received and it was obvious that a lot of thought had been put in
to the design to reflect feedback from the initial plans.

There is now a To Do list for implementing this. I encourage you to check
out the link below, watch the video, read the slides and view the mockups.

If you have constructive feedback, feel free to post comments (ideally on
the github page most associated to the part of the design you are
commenting on).

Please remember that we are all volunteering time/energy to OSM so try to
keep comments constructive and avoid jumping to conclusions if something
isn't quite clear.


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