OK first call of the morning about the new front end ...

I'm expecting to spend a lot of time this week explaining things to people, but *I* don't have the information I need to do that! PLEASE can someone who understands all the ramifications of the new changes produce a help file to explain! I've explained already that none of my own crib sheets are now usable and I need to rewrite them, but can't do that without the current information. I ask again - what is 'export' intended to do?

Moving forward, I have a LOT of material in the todo file to be added to the map data, but very little spare time to do that work. The majority of my time over the last few years has been spent fire-fighting changes in the infrastructure to keep my end customers working. We now have to support windows from W2k to 8.1 simply because there is no time to rework core software that is not longer supported by others, some of which will only work on W2k! Add to this all the 'improvements' in the browser market, and all of the changes to PHP and things keep getting broken everywhere. Even Linux tools seem to get broken with every 'improvement' ... anybody got used to gimp's redesign yet ... I KEEP trying to save images rather than now exporting them :(

This is why any changes to the infrastructure takes time to assimilate. The changes to 'style' applied to the OSM site still have not been reflected in the rest of the infrastructure yet. 'Id' still does not provide a suitable on-line facility for my usage, so JOSM is getting used more often, but is different again to the rest of the infrastructure changes. Asking us to 'contribute patches' to fix problems is a major headache where the infrastructure is using a less popular framework to start with. If we could get back to a much flatter playing field with fewer programming languages and variations on that, then perhaps everybody would be a lot more productive? I've had several attempts at working with elements of the OSM infrastructure but am currently stuck with an out of date slice of the planet file and code that will not run. So I'm reliant on the on-line services to do anything productive in OSM.

Please can we target some of the background services such as the management of start and end dates better in general so we can make some progress on providing OHM and develop a more coherent mechanism for handling 'archive' rather than simply deleting historic data. A large section of data that I've been compiling is start_date, but this is a little pointless where it is not being managed properly? Also *IS* there a consistent way of maintaining up to date local mirrors of the data? Working with 2 week old data is bad enough, and I'd like to be working with something closer to live then I can provide my own material, but until then I'm reliant on what overs are doing ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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