Lester asked:

> I
> ask again - what is 'export' intended to do?

Have you tried it? I just have and it lets me select an area then
exports that area as OSM .osm XML format. I'm guessing there are
similar limits to downloading areas as there are in JOSM but haven't
tried it (I zoomed in on a single feature for testing). So, as far
as I can tell the same as Export did before the site change at the

> Also *IS* there a consistent way of maintaining up to date
> local
> mirrors of the data? 

It depends what you want to do with it. I use a daily scheduled task
to run Osmosis to update a local .osm xml extract. You might find
downloading a daily extract (perhaps in pdf) from Geofabrik is more
useful to you. Or you could set up a database and update it with
diffs, with the database schema depending what you want to do with
the data once you have it. "Consistent" is not really appropriate as
it depends on the use case which method is most useful.


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