Le 11/02/2014 22:29, Rob Nickerson a écrit :
Some ideas:

1. Tools to compare OSM data against the available external data set.
One recent blog post on this by SK53

2. We need to be asking for not just full datasets but also regular
change-sets. If we cannot get a change-set from the data supplier then
we need to be keeping a copy of any imported data and creating
comparison tools between the original imported data and the updated data
from that government/organisation.

3. More data conflation tools. Not all data can be imported in bulk. We
need to look at developing more tools to allow for piecemeal imports
from the local community. For example the Android app Vespucci *could*
be extended/forked to allow the following work flow:

3a. A new "import" dataset is added to a holding database.
3b. On the ground mappers can can then view this database on the ground
using Vespucci on their tablet/phone
3c. For each element they mark it as "verified" or "incorrect", and if
necessary change the tags or geometry using the tools already built into
Vespucci. At this stage Vespucci has not shown any other OSM data, just
the holding database layer. This makes it easier to use in areas of high
data density.
3d. If the data is just nodes then Vespucci searches for potential
matches in the OSM data. Is one is found the user is asked how to merge
the two. If not found then the node is imported into OSM.
3e. For ways the user can either work with Vespucci to merge/import the
data, or they can log in when back home using JOSM or ID and work with
these editing tools to merge the verified data from the holding database.

Osmose QA tool do this job.
Look at this, last tow section at menu.
Mainly items are in France.

Btw, the French region of Aquitaine (country around Bordeaux), have funded work to integrate into osmose more OpenData on this territory, I will do this in march.

For addresse integration we have also a specific tool :

Osmose can be a base work for this thematic. The OpenData part of Osmose is done as generic, so add new opendata set is simple.

Btw, if you interested in add OpenData set to Osmose for integration or validation/gardeange of already integrated data, just ask.


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