
On 05/14/14 08:45, Kate Chapman wrote:
> I'm curious how HOT projects which are mentioned relate to this. What I
> mean is we frequently train other non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
> governments and universities in OSM. The proposed guidelines read to me
> that people would have to declare that they were being paid to map.

This is something that we'll have to discuss and find a good definition.

Personally, I think that a policy like that should cover any kind of
(for lack of better word) "directed" mapping, where a mapper doesn't act
on their own accord (because they want to) but on someone else's
(because they're told to).

The boundary is of course blurry - if you report for duty at your local
CSO, on your own accord, because you want to make the work a better
place, and then are told that this week's project is fixing TIGER roads
in rural Pennsylvania - are you "directed"?

You could even be paid without being directed, even if that might be a
rare exception - in most cases your employer or client would at least
give you a general direction like "improve routing in the US" or so. And
that's the interesting bit - not whether or not someone is paid, but
"accounts A,B,C are employees of the X project at Y company and they're
working on Z".

In my view, any kind of training would also be "directed", whether or
not people receive compensation for it. It would be good for a group of
trainees to be somehow identifiable by the community - a simple
disclosure like "I'm part of the XY class instructed by Z and we're
mapping from aerial imagery in Rwanda" would already go a long way.
(Only last week I had to employ the help of OSM admins to puzzle
together a list of likely pupils from a school class in Kazakhstan, most
of whom were making fictional edits - it would have helped a lot to have
some up-front indication about who was their instructor.)

> Should HOT contractors/staff then declare that they are being paid to
> train people in OSM? I don't think using separate accounts is a great
> idea for me personally I would have no idea when I should use one
> account versus an another. I would be perfectly happy to declare that I
> work for HOT on my user page, which it already does(1).

You are probably an exceptional case because even when you map for HOT
it will likely be in the role of a director rather than directee ;)

I guess I'd expect someone who partly does directed work and partly his
own - say, they armchair-map Brazil for their employer during the day
but survey their home town in private on weekends - to use different
accounts, but in cases where it is not clear-cut, people could pehaps
still indicate affiliation on a per-changeset basis, e.g. if you were to
do some mapping in the classroom as part of a training project you could
simply throw in the project name in the changeset comment or so -
something you'd likely do anyway.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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