On Mi, Jun 11, 2014 at 01:55:41 +0200, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 June 2014, Jochen Topf wrote:
> >
> > I think the "mechanical edits policy" has stepped over the line here.
> > A mechanical edit is one where somebody uses a special program that,
> > based on some simple criteria, does *automatic* changes. Using
> > existing tools like JOSM and XAPI to find problems, looking at them
> > manually and doing edits, is not a mechanical edit and should not
> > fall under that policy.
> And i think it does not.
> The policy is probably not worded in the clearest possible way but it 
> has always been my interpretation that the key question is if the 
> modifications made to the database are individually verified by the 
> mapper, not if you use some fancy filtering to find those objects you 
> want to modify.

I think we are probably in agreement here. My "looking at them manually" might
be a very bad wording, but it meant the same as your much better "individually

But the policy first disallows all of this and then makes the exception "if you
check each individual action caused by this" then its okay. Thats the wrong way
around. It means I have to defend myself when doing this. It means I have to
prove that I am not doing anything wrong. Of course I have to verify that what
I am doing is okay, that is the "default" anyway. But we are still measuring
with two different sticks if we single out edits based on filters or whatever
and not treat them like edits based on 20 year old sat images or whatever.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-721-388298

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