Or directed them toward Openrailwaymap ?
I don't think a show-them-all map makes sense these days. Everybody should be 
able to find a map that fits his / her needs.

On 23 juin 2014 18:33:01 UTC+02:00, Andrew Hain <andrewhain...@hotmail.co.uk> 
>SomeoneElse <lists <at> mail.atownsend.org.uk> writes:
>> There have however been some unintended consequences of the changes. 
>> number of abandoned railways near me were edited from "abandoned" to 
>> "disused"; I'm guessing that it might be because of the recent
>> Changeset comments along the lines of "changed to X so that it
>> and "I know we're not supposed to tag for the renderer but what's the
>> point in mapping a feature which then doesn't appear" are relatively 
>Have you talked to them or reverted their edits?
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