
the initial concern was about a page on the wiki in french that was older
than the english one, and with significant differences in a list of tags
(still landuse=basin rather than the "new" natural=water), the change on
the english page was made more than 1 year ago !
the "translate" extension can help to detect such kind of problem, even if
it is perhaps not the best ...

I think that what we really need is a tool to "link" parts a translated
page to the same part of the original page, so that when someone make
changes on the original page a message is displayed on the translated page
to alert on the possible de-synchronization of the content ...


2014-07-25 5:35 GMT+02:00 Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de>:

> If there is country specific information about a tag then I would like
>> to be aware of it, as it could be useful for other countries/languages
>> too.
> And if I open a DE :feature I would like to be presentet with the
> information relevant to my country in the first place.
> If I open DE:bicycle_something then I don't want to be presented with
> various signs that are used in the US, South Africa, Japan or Mexico. I
> want to see the sign that I saw on the ground in Germany and then how to
> tag it.
> So I want to see these signs:
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cycling_signs_in_Germany
> And not these:
> http://www.trafficsign.us/bikesign.html
> If you want country relevant information on every translation then you do
> have to look though a dozen different signs 99.99% of the people reading
> that page are never goingto use. And those are sign that are easy to spot.
> Now make that text...
>  That could be as simple as copying it to the English language page
>> (marking it as requiring translation) or if it's longer providing a link on
>> the English language page.
> You are still going to present me with a lot of information that is not
> usefull for my country. And it will get worse once you try to translate
> non-English pages back. From German to Englisch you are then going to get
> funny stuff like [PLEASE DON'T CONFUSE evangelical with evangelical!!!]
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