Hello All

Please include all replies to OM-Talk:

I was meaning to start a separate thread on this subject, but this seems the appropriate time & place.

This website, along with http://osmlab.github.io/to-fix/ ( & maybe others) are encouraging errors to be introduced to the OSM database.

For obvious reasons there's a discouragement of armchair mapping. These sites take it another step into inaccuracy by asking you to randomly correct a supposed error ( & I /really/ want to emphasise 'supposed') that the user can have no factual knowledge of whether the error is true or not.

I live in the UK. How can I possibly know if there's genuinely a "sharp angle" in Arizona or there's something less than 2 metres away from another object that should be connected in Cambodia?

IMO these websites are detrimental to the OSM database & should be rescinded.

Dave F.

On 22/08/2014 22:25, Martijn van Exel wrote:
Hi all - just wanted to let you know that the ‘Ways Needing Smoothing’ MapRoulette challenge is finally being updated again. It used to consist of mostly false positives for the past week, and there still are some, but there should be some fun to be had there still :)


It’s still U.S. only :( but we’re getting closer to being able to doing it for other countries as well.
Martijn van Exel

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