On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:59:07 +0100
Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:

> On 29/08/14 15:57, Andy Street wrote:
> > FWIW I'm seeing a different error in JOSM:
> >
> > "WARNING: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code:
> > 401 for URL:
> > https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/changeset/25098566/upload.";
> >
> > The upload succeeds if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS.
> 401 is just it telling you to enter your password.

There is no password; I authenticate using oauth. The oauth token is
valid if submitted as HTTP but invalid if submitted as HTTPS. 


Andy Street

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