On 9/17/2014 7:33 AM, Dave F. wrote:
I wouldn't describe size based ordering as 'well defined'.
The polygon table has no column or combination of columns which is guaranteed to be unique. We only need to have a well defined ordering within a meta-tile that is consistent across boundaries, not globally, and way_area works well for that. Thanks to precision limits in the data and conversions to Web Mercator two apparently identical area polygons will probably slightly differ in the exact calculated area, and two polygons identical in WGS84 area may not be identical in Web Mercator area. If two polygons are exactly the same area they probably are the same geometry, which is a special case.

A sort order that is well defined in nearly all cases* would be both way area and osm_id, but the additional ordering term would probably negatively impact the speed and memory of the sort.

* Again, there are certain exceptions in theory.

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