Am 20.09.2014 21:10, schrieb John F. Eldredge:> On 09/18/2014 11:07 AM,
Stephan Knauss wrote:
>> Dave F. writes:
>>> On 17/09/2014 23:30, Stephan Knauss wrote:
>>>> In Google the road is listed as a major highway.
>>> Are you interpreting this data from Google's visual render or
>>> extracting it from their database?
>> It's coming from their database. Google does expose a classification
>> through the v3 API. My map does consider the road types "arterial" and
>> "highway" as major and "local" as minor. For OSM data unclassified and
>> higher is considered major.
> I think that calling a road tagged as highway=unclassified a "major
> road" is an overstatement.  So, you feel that any road which isn't
> classified as highway=residential, highway=service, or highway=track is
> a major road?


Thought the difference between unclassified and residential is often
only the landuse surround it.

We use unclassified in industrial and commercial areas plus outside of
settlements and residential only within residential areas.

cu colliar

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