btw, there should be a "all values in GBP" or similar on this page:

I wonder if there shouldn't be some explanatory words in general for these
tables, they are not really selfexplaing for someone not deeply into this.

E.g. I can see that most money gets transferred via PayPal. Are the PayPal
numbers in the Assets section net numbers, i.e. are the fee and other
charges and taxes and exchange losses etc., already subtracted? Can we get
figures how the bank charges and exchange fees are composed (which bank is
this referring to, Barclays or PayPal)?

What are prepayments?

What are
Bad Debts Written off (specific)  1,639

What have the other professional fees besides "Accountancy and Legal" been
spent for?

Why is Computer Depreciation in the INCOME 2012 14,935 GBP
Depreciation Charge: Computer Equipment 14,935

but in the balance sheet 2012 Office Equipment Depreciation is 37,176? What
other office equipment besides the computers are in the assets to make up
such a big difference?


@David: there are no community reviews so far, nor an audit by a
professional. I am not sure if there are annual plans.

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