I like addresses but they don't behave like you would think. For example we have a part of a street that has each individual flat as its own address number. We first used the number;number;number; approach but I'm now in favor of naming the house what it says on the front (the range 37-51) and then put address nodes on the building so it appears in search, with roughly the position accounting for where in the house the apartment is. In this case the numbers closest to the street are at the bottom floor (the stadium approach I favor). I'm in favor of moving this same method over to the other houses.


As for being able to search within a specific town or area then I think we should look again at relations and super-relations. You could group streets relations into a neighborhood relation and then into a town or municipality relation etc. This of course works very differently based on country but for Iceland I can't see us hitting any limits.


Regards on behalf of the Icelandic Local Chapter applicant,

Þann 22.10.2014 18:28, skrifaði Clifford Snow:
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:04 AM, Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch <mailto:oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch>> wrote:

    It is not necessary to put down a number on each building. It is
    possible to use /addr:interpolation/ (/odd, even/, or /all/).

    We put down a number on the first building, then on the last,
    connect them in JOSM, and add /addr:interpolation: all /. For
    example here: http://osm.org/go/0CFn0AZ_d--?m= . It is also very
    useful on a street with many small houses. And it is searchable.
    For example if there is number 15 and number 27 on the map for a
    street, and they are connected with /addr:interpolation: odd,
    /and//if one searches number 21, the map will show the number 21
    all right.

    Then, there is another approach. We first map addressable large
    building, where a lot of people live or work. Kind of of going
    after the low-hanging fruit.

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