
I'm putting together some resources for a visit to Lesotho in Feb as part
of the #MapLesotho initiative during which we will be meeting with various
govt. and community groups, some of which will have data we will be looking
to make use of e.g. boundary data, schools data, location names etc etc.

There will be a group of us there for 2 weeks and we will be on the move
constantly so I'm trying to make sure we only have to do one visit and
maybe one follow up phone call to each group we visit who have data we

To make this as seamless as possible, where a party has agreed to release
data to OSM, I want to be able to provide them with a document that
essentially only requires them to fill in the blanks (name of party, data
to be released, etc), which, once signed, gives us the necessary permission
to use their data. At the very least, it could act as a template upon which
they could draft their own version if need be. Basically I want to make the
releasing of data as easy as possible and the drafting of permission is a
possible roadblock that I hope can be avoided by being prepared in advance.

Does such a thing exist?

If not, who would be a good point-of-contact to engage with to get
something like this drafted? (Legal WG?)

Dave (DaCor)
talk mailing list

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