> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:27:43 +0100
> From: JB <jb...@mailoo.org>
> To: winfi...@gmail.com,  OpenStreetMap talk mailing list
>         <talk@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] amenity=bicycle_repair_station ::::
>         only 18 so far
> Message-ID: <54c6790f.1040...@mailoo.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Le 26/01/2015 17:59, Jo a écrit :
> > It would indeed be preferable to use OSM Notes for that purpose.
> Ho crap. Instead of importing 500 low-quality POI, just import 500
> low-quality notes…
> So that only the notes DB is a dump, but not the main one.
> Sorry for the bad energy, but please do not consider the note feature as
> a second level one. And for the fun, please close the 10 closer to your
> location :-)

As I see it there are 3 options here

1. Do an import, but its not accurate enough for an import - 500 POI's will
never be fully vetted.

2. Add a note so that someone can map it either from imagery or a ground
survey - 500 notes will get checked by individual mappers.

3. Do nothing, stick the data in a drawer and never use it - 500 pieces of
data never get used by anyone

To me the only logical choice is #2 when you data is not accurate enough
for an import but the data itself is useful and something which is wanted

All that is needed is a disclaimer added to the note something to the
effect of "This note is based off an inaccurate source. The bicycle repair
station is located somewhere within 30 meters of this note. If you can
easily identify the station, please map it and close this note. If note,
please add a comment saying it needs a ground survey".

This doesn't need to be very complicated.

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