On Mon, 2015-01-26 at 18:14 +0000, Dave Corley wrote:

> As I see it there are 3 options here
> 1. Do an import, but its not accurate enough for an import - 500 POI's
> will never be fully vetted. 
> 2. Add a note so that someone can map it either from imagery or a
> ground survey - 500 notes will get checked by individual mappers. 
> 3. Do nothing, stick the data in a drawer and never use it - 500
> pieces of data never get used by anyone
> To me the only logical choice is #2 when you data is not accurate
> enough for an import but the data itself is useful and something which
> is wanted 

Option 2 is the only sensible option.
A boilerplate can be added to the note with the suggested tagging

Phil (trigpoint)

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