
What if the osm website would allow "custom renderings" within
predefined zoom levels by default, stitching together existing tiles in
that case, which should require much less resources than a complete
custom render, even when cutting down to non-tile boundaries.

For current browsers it should be possible to do that with javascript at
the browser a well.

If we still want to allow the custom zoom rendering, a "fallback" to the
current solution might be possible, but a UI that makes clear that some
predefined zoom levels are to be preferred might, I guess, solve most of
our requests "by accident" as most users probably aren't that specific
in the zoom they query for.

What do you think about that idea?


Am 26.01.2015 um 13:40 schrieb Tom Hughes:
> On 26/01/15 12:00, Paul Norman wrote:
>> On 1/26/2015 2:58 AM, Dave F. wrote:
>>> I don't know when it was last reviewed, but does this error have bit
>>> of a sensitive trigger? Has the server that runs the process been
>>> upgraded so it can handle a greater number of requests? If so, could
>>> the error's cut in point be relaxed?
>> The thresholds for each server have been adjusted multiple times and
>> will probably continue to be so. Even if the load cutoff is increased
>> there will be times when individual render requests are rejected for a
>> few days in a row - stylesheet updates being the main one. It is
>> considered more important to update the map rendering than to do a
>> custom render. Personally I don't have many problems generating a custom
>> render from osm.org, but I'm on a different timezone and keep different
>> hours, which makes it hard to compare. I also get directed to a
>> different server much of the time.
> I suspect main difference is that you're hitting orm and Dave is hitting
> yevaud. There is an ops ticket open for our efforts to get yevaud
> upgraded to improve the performance:
> https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/5
> Tom

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