On Sat, 7 Mar 2015 15:26:38 +0100,
Stefan Keller wrote:

> What about crowdsourcing dangerous bicycle locations using key/tag
> hazard? See http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/DE:Key:hazard
> And see also https://twitter.com/sfkeller/status/574213951644368896

tl;dr: As a lot of others already said: a quite subjective thing to

In Germany a lot of more experienced bicyclists regard all separate
cycleways or even footways with bicycle=yes as hazard – with good
Every year a signifikant number of bicyclists get right-hooked by cars
turning right and their drivers not paying enough attention.
Every year, a signifikant number of those right-hooked bicyclists die.

Never mind the cars parking on the cycleways, crossing service streets,
the pedestrians, dogs etc which would make the experienced bicyclist
cringe from awe while the less experienced are happy to cruise along
with walking speed even on sidewalks where they are not allowed except
being ten or younger.

Ridiculous is the mentioning of snow or shattered glass. During winter
and below 0°C common sense should tell a bicyclist that surfaces might
be covered with snow or ice and thus slippery.
Some tags regarding winter servicing do exist although the proposal
wasn't guided to a voting process.
For glass and other stuff on highways: everybody should expect that
on the surface of the road stuff may lay which can harm the vehicle –
from glass of bottles thrown away by stupid people to shattered windows
of a car after an accident to nails and screws falling off carpenter's
car to vehicle parts lost while driving (exhaust, bump guard,
suspension parts, oil etc).
Bicyclists may take into consideration that on a road frequently
traveled by cars the smaller stuff like glass gets cleared away by the
crumbling effect of the car's tires so that cleaning is in opposition to
a cycleway needed less often. (Of course the bicyclist shouldn't ride
to the utmost right of a highway were no cars go and all the rubble


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