"while this sounds nice for the green poodle with 6 legs, I'd be interested
in real cases where our current schemes should be changed"

[landuse=farmland; farmland=greenhouse_horticulture] instead of
[landuse=industrial; industrial=salt_pond] instead of [landuse=salt_pond]
[landuse=industrial; industrial=mine] instead of [landuse=mine]
[landuse=industrial; industrial=mine; mine=copper_mine] instead of

2015-03-12 12:48 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> 2015-03-12 12:06 GMT+01:00 Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl>:
>> 1. It should be more uniform (like "amenity=school" -> "landuse=school"
>> for the school areas).
> this might be a philosophical question, but I believe that amenity=school
> for the whole area is more precise than amenity=school on just a building.
> The outdoor areas of schools typically serve for recreation purposes, and
> recreation is undoubtedly (I hope) part of the institution school. You can
> see this point of view also reflected in other occasions like the rules for
> the pupils, which often allow them to move freely on the school premises
> during school, but not to leave them.
> We do not gain anything by making things "uniform" that are not comparable.
> 3. It should be more granular (no more "amenity=green_poodle_with_6_legs",
>> just because it's a very common case! Rather "amenity=poodle + colour=green
>> + legs=6").
> while this sounds nice for the green poodle with 6 legs, I'd be interested
> in real cases where our current schemes should be changed. Generally having
> a precise tag for a very common case makes mapping and interpretation
> easier than having a combination of 3 tags, but it really depends on the
> single case.
> 5. It should treat parallel types of objects as first class citizens (kind
>> of "amenity=police + amenity=school" for police academy should be possible,
>> since this amenity is equally a teaching place _and_ a police place - the
>> same for multiple names: we can make it "name=A;B" if really needed, but
>> the semicolon is our last resort and there's no consensus if we should use
>> numbering schemes like "name1=A + name2=B" or "name:1=A + name:2=B"
>> instead).
> I have always believed (also based on lots of discussion on talk-de) that
> amenity=school was a tag for general education (as opposed to professional
> schools, driving schools, diving schools, etc.). Actually the English wiki
> page is less clear in this (could maybe be stated more clearly?) but still
> the age of 5 to 18 doesn't fit your "police academy" idea.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dschool
> Frankly, I don't see an advantage in having the same tag amenity=school on
> a "normal" school and on a police academy. Everybody who wanted to make a
> map would have to check for every school whether there was an additional
> tag that said: "this is not a school of the type you might expect", with a
> potentially infinite number of such additional tags (because there will be
> "schools" for almost every kind of profession or leisure activity etc.),
> while it also required 2 tags for what could be tagged with one
> (amenity=police_academy) and which would still leave uncertainty because
> you would not know whether this was a police academy or a police station
> and a school on the same ground.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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