On 16/04/2015 18:59, Daniel Koć wrote:
Recently I got tired of a caching problem with rendered tiles, which causes freshly changed tiles to dis- and reappear with no particular pattern. I wrote about it here:


For me it's very annoying, so I'd like to know if there's a way to fix it or make less visible somehow?

As Tom said "the whole system is, in effect, only eventually consistent", but I make so many edits, that I need relatively short loop to check if I didn't make any stupid drawing/tagging error.

One option might be to have a small local server set up as per https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/ and applying minutely updates. Because it's local to you you don't have to worry about caching at all, and if you want to you can try "bleeding edge" versions of OSM-carto (or another map style of your choice) too. With a bit of browser jiggerypokery you can make your tiles appear instead of one of the layers on osm.org if you want.

If you're only rendering a small area this won't work if you regularly map on multiple continents, obviously, and an up to date server needs to be downloading and updating itself enough of the time to have an up to date database, so it's not a solution for everyone, but it might work for you.



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