i live in auckland, nz. a mapper [1] here is currently importing a giant data set of building outlines for auckland, by my estimate 300,000+ ways. until yesterday, on my insistence, he'd made no mention of this on any of the relevant discussion lists (local nz chapter, osm imports list) and as of one hour ago [2] was uploading more data.

from what i can see (although i may be wrong, please point out any errors if so), there's no engagement with the community, local or otherwise, and apparent disregard for established processes around importing as set out on the wiki:


it bothers me more that he's an openly acknowledged employee of a local company, koordinates, who engage him amongst other things to add data to osm - it looks like more than just a single bull-headed individualistic person, but an active policy of the company.

what to do?

[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/StephenDavis/history#map=10/-37.0309/174.9339
[2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/30444326


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