I am proposing that the contact: set of tags (contact:phone,
contact:website, etc.) be depreciated and replaced with the simpler
set of tags (phone, website, etc.) I am not proposing that anyone do
any mechanical edits.

The reason is that the contact: tags are unnecessarily verbose (we
should use simpler tags whenever possible) and the simpler tags are
much more popular (there are 98865 contact:phone tags but 490328 phone
tags). Why do we need to have more than one way of tagging common
things like phone numbers?

I'm also not sure why we need to have both website and url tags
(though in some cases I have seen people put two different websites on
a POI, one in website and one in url). There are 737911 website tags,
324963 url tags and 67038 contact:website tags. Though url is far more
popular than contact:website, so I don't think it makes sense to
depreciate this.

Anyone like/absolutely hate this idea? I do not understand why we need
to have so many different ways of tagging the same thing. This has
become a big problem in OSM in general, but this is one of the most
annoying cases of this.

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