On 07/05/2015 12:03, Simon Poole wrote:
I'm really not sure what this discussion is doing on tagging and have
redirected follow ups to talk (it has in the matter of a few mails
already gone substantially off-topic though).

The page in question is actually a fork of
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Map_Maker which was written as
a response to the introduction of MM.

I personally consider it dangerous to base such a comparison on anything
but general principles. On the one hand you are always in danger of
being out of date and at least in a legal grey zone if not already out
side of it, on the other hand it tends to degenerate in to
political/point of view material, are all commercial companies actually
evil as Xxzme version seems to imply?

This page is an excellent example of what can go wrong with the OSM wiki. It's a personal POV page, written by a user with views that are, shall we say, not shared by all, and who seems to have "issues" with any form of collaboration (a temporary wiki ban was used before to address some previous issues).

Where the wiki works well it's a collaborative documentation of "How We Map"*. It does contain some effective opinion pieces (e.g. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Duck_tagging&oldid=603101 )** , but they are clearly labelled as such and don't attempt to misdocument how people in OSM map things.

If "random" edits like this are allowed to continue*** it'll devalue the wiki even more as a resource. I'm not a wiki admin, but I'm sure that those who are are well aware of this problem and I would hope they are already considering what to do here.



PS: Although I'm a member of the DWG, this was written in an entirely personal capacity as an ordinary mapper who tries to use the wiki for documentation.

* incidentally that's another page that has had this user happen to it: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=How_We_Map&action=history

** yes, and that's another one: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Duck_tagging&action=history

*** https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Xxzme

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