I don't know whether this has been discussed or even mooted before...

Tagging for the renderer is natural. Mappers, especially newbies will be
disappointed their pet new feature they've just added to the db does not
appear on the map. This situation is no use to anyone but has been allowed
to continue and 'enforced' with wiki et al going against the notion of
tagging for the renderer. The problem was likely there in the beginning and
is still there now - several years later - unresolved. In fact, the way OSM
is put together, it's completely unresolvable - as people are free to tag
how they like and the map shows only what the renderers choose to show. I
have considered that what we see in the editors is the real map and true
OSM isn't. If the editors had a 'read-only' mode, they'd be far more use
than OSM proper and mappers would be happier to see their work on the 'map'.

I therefore want to air the view that 'mapping for the renderer' is no
longer 'wrong' by actually adding a good set of basic tags for areas, lines
and points ("simple English" as opposed to technical English of 'nodes' and
'ways') so that when a mapper invents something new, they can add tags for
colour, opacity, line colour, line width, line opacity - for areas and
similar attributes for lines and points (colour, opacity, size etc.) and
obviously tags for name and description etc. What do people think to this ?

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