Th other question is: do we actually want to support (as in suggest
spelling) non-chain names or not? Currently the majority of at least the
restaurant names do not belong to chains, they are simply frequently
used names.


Am 16.05.2015 um 20:07 schrieb Michał Brzozowski:
> So this index is used in iD and it's supposed to suggest names of
> shops/amenities that are part of some chain. (like: McDonald's, Aldi,
> ...). But due to how it works (counting occurrences) there are generic
> nouns that end up here, which is bad tagging (like shop=bakery
> name=Bakery [1]) and could form a feedback loop that proliferates them
> even more.
> I ask non-English speakers to find anything they are sure it's a noun
> and not a proper name. name-suggestions.json specifies name
> suggestions and filter.json specifies what "non-names" should be
> filtered.
> Some examples I found that need confirmation:
> Аптека
> Apotheke
> Boulangerie
> Пекарня
> Зоомагазин
> Обувь
> Стройматериалы
> Салон красоты
> [1] For the sake of example, as "Bakery" is filtered already
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