And now for something completely different.

I've produced an updated version of the OSM privacy policy: (the original
resides here:

This is largely a private undertaking, it however has been available to
stakeholders in the original document and the relevant OSMF working
groups for comments and suggestions which have been worked in to the text.

The LWG has somewhere on its to-do list an item on a complete review and
rewrite of the privacy policy, this is not a replacement for that. It is
however likely that whoever does that rewrite would refer to this
document or the original privacy policy for the OSM related specifics.

Neither the original policy nor this document are published and/or
approved OSMF documents, but they should likely be considered for that,
at least until a full rewrite is completed.

My motivation was mainly that there are some things that should be in
the document that are not, and the complications that a complete rewrite
as in for example
will entail.

All that said, the changes are, with one exception, likely
uncontroversial and simply document what is current practice. Obvious
and clear for old hands, probably not so for newcomers.

The exception is the addition of a clause that allows us (the OSM
community) to use information submitted to an OSMF run services to be
used to support improving the OSM data. Right now the only use of this
that I could think of is to mine nominatim queries for missing
addresses, postcodes and the like. The is currently NOT done, because it
is a potential touchy issue, but it would have some obvious benefits.

Comments on the draft are likely best added to the discussion page.
Please keep the scope of any comments limited to the changes and not to
untouched original text, one day there will be a complete rewrite and
that will be the time to address any other issues.


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