I've updated the document

with some additional text to address the handful of things people felt
were missing. If there are no further comments I would suggest using
this as a replacement till such a time that we have a completely redone


Am 16.06.2015 um 13:17 schrieb Simon Poole:
> And now for something completely different.
> I've produced an updated version of the OSM privacy policy:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Updated_Privacy_Policy (the original
> resides here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy).
> This is largely a private undertaking, it however has been available to
> stakeholders in the original document and the relevant OSMF working
> groups for comments and suggestions which have been worked in to the text.
> The LWG has somewhere on its to-do list an item on a complete review and
> rewrite of the privacy policy, this is not a replacement for that. It is
> however likely that whoever does that rewrite would refer to this
> document or the original privacy policy for the OSM related specifics.
> Neither the original policy nor this document are published and/or
> approved OSMF documents, but they should likely be considered for that,
> at least until a full rewrite is completed.
> My motivation was mainly that there are some things that should be in
> the document that are not, and the complications that a complete rewrite
> as in for example https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_policy
> will entail.
> All that said, the changes are, with one exception, likely
> uncontroversial and simply document what is current practice. Obvious
> and clear for old hands, probably not so for newcomers.
> The exception is the addition of a clause that allows us (the OSM
> community) to use information submitted to an OSMF run services to be
> used to support improving the OSM data. Right now the only use of this
> that I could think of is to mine nominatim queries for missing
> addresses, postcodes and the like. The is currently NOT done, because it
> is a potential touchy issue, but it would have some obvious benefits.
> Comments on the draft are likely best added to the discussion page.
> Please keep the scope of any comments limited to the changes and not to
> untouched original text, one day there will be a complete rewrite and
> that will be the time to address any other issues.
> Simon
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