On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 11:49:21AM +0100, Lester Caine wrote:
> On 29/06/15 10:59, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> > I consider layer=* on landuse as beeing broken. If you need to cut out
> > a part of an landuse thats what a multipolygon is for. For me
> > landuses may not overlap.
> As a goal for the future, a 'plane' of data that has a single landuse
> classification for every point would be nice. Other projects are working
> on that data and just using OSM as a background overlay. but for now, a
> large residential area with a few small pockets of other areas of
> activity such as a playground don't need the full multi-polygon
> treatment. But should the residential road network be inside or outside
> that polygon? We had the same discussion in relation to
> 'landuse=university' where the campus area needs an outline, but t5ere
> are a lot of different 'landuse' activities within that ...

playground != landuse - leisure=playground is part of a 
landuse=residential imho. 

I'd put a area landuse=residential area amenity=school name=University ... on
that area. 

I see a huge problem coming with maintenance of the map where people
have glued together all different types of object. 
The most problematic i see here is landuse (or other area based objects
like amenity, leisure etc) and highway. As highway does
not have a dimension the landuse reusing the highway nodes means
covering half of the street. E.g. for me landuse=forest sharing 
nodes with the street means that there are trees on one side of the
road until the center line.

In some areas i have given up fixing that or even touching the map.
Whatever object you try to fix/move you end up fixing 20 objects in
the surrounding.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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