Snipped for PC below, meanings remain.

On 13/08/2015 9:30 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

I appreciate that there are strong feelings about this topic, but we could certainly use more constructive language and have a civilized conversation.

Passion is what can make a good mapper. But keep it in perspective people.

Please reconsider your approach here, Russ.

On Aug 13, 2015 1:01 AM, "Russ Nelson" < <>> wrote:

    Frederik Ramm writes:
     > Hi,
     > On 08/11/2015 07:09 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:
     > > If you have
     > > ever said "delete things you don't see", then
     > >  you are making the map worse. Just stop!
     > Delete things you don't see (with some notable exceptions,
     > railways not being among them).

    Yep. You're one of the people. I wasn't
    going to name names -- thank you for fingering yourself as one of the
    guilty parties. Thanks for your cooperation in ceasing this practice,
    I really appreciate your help.

I have deleted things I did not see. For years I passed that spot and never saw these things.... One day I went there to do some mapping not just passing.. those thing I deleted .. they were there!!!! So I put them back... but I hope I learnt a lesson.. if there is something in OSM;
I really should not deleted it/them.
I can change the tags, and certainly add notes, fixmes ... but not remove unless I'm absolutely certain that the information can never be used in the future!

For example a demolished building .. may have a new building built on the same spot .. with the same outline. Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging) add a note as to who/why .. and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a source tag please. If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will have to be changed, or the site gets used for something else .. then change it. But untill then leave the old data there.

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