The woodland change looks much better, but would it not be possible to
render broadleaved, needleleaved and mixed using different tree
images, as seen on other maps? This would, I think, give people more
incentive to add this information when mapping woodland.



On 15 August 2015 at 04:27, Paul Norman <> wrote:
> This email is also in user diary form at
> where issue numbers are linked.
> OpenStreetMap Carto 2.33.0 has been released. This release focuses on
> cartographic style improvements, but the release notes also include 2.32.0.
> The biggest changes are
> - A randomized symbology for forests for natural=wood and landuse=forest
>   #1728 #1242
>   A long time in the works, this improvement has finally landed. The two
>   tags were merged - they are indistinguishable to the data consumer.[1]
>   A randomized symbology was first suggested by SK53[2] at SOTM-EU 2014,
>   and this feature would not have happened without his extensive research,
>   or imagico's tools for creating an irregular but uniformly distributed
>   and periodic dot pattern[3]
> - Rendering minor roads and service rail later for mid-zoom clarity
>   #1682 #1692 #1676 #1647
>   As all residential, unclassified, and service roads in a city became
>   mapped the rendered view became over-crowded, bloblike, and difficult
>   to read.
> - Unification of footway/path and rendering surface of them
>   The mess that is highway=path is well-known[4], and it is necessary
>   to do some kind of processing as a data consumer. A distinction is
>   now made between paved and unpaved footways.
> - Rendering of Antartic ice sheets from shapefiles #1540
>   Ice sheets in Antartica are a bit of a special case, and pre-generated
>   shapefiles are now used
> - Mapnik 3 preperations #1579
>   The style is not yet fullly tested with Mapnik 3 and we don't claim to
>   support it, but several bugs were fixed. Most of the work was done on
>   the Mapnik side
> - No longer rendering proposed roads #1663 #1654
> - Power area colour adjusted #1680
> - Better place label order #1689
> - meadow/grassland and orchard/vineyard color unification #1655
> - Render educational area borders later #1662
> - New POI icons
> A full list of changes can be found on Github at
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
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