On 17/08/2015 11:13 PM, Colin Smale wrote:

On 2015-08-17 13:37, Warin wrote:

On 17/08/2015 4:28 PM, Colin Smale wrote:

Will the free-tagging laissez-faire camp win, or will the curated/managed tagging camp win?

I'm in the 'systematised free tagging' camp .. I want a structure that has a simple good logical basis for the tags. But allows added tags .. hopefully following the structure present.
At present there is no structure/philosophy that can be followed.

How do you see this structure/philosophy taking shape? Where will it come from? I don't think there is consensus that such things are actually worth working on.

I'll give an example of the present.

shop=bicycle has a number of sub tags ... these are usefull ... but have NO application to other shop= tags!

It would be better to structure this for all shops .. and possibly other things too!!! This would lead to a consistent scheme that would aid learning and implementation ...

I have a thread on the tagging group about shop sub tags .. one suggestion has been to us the same sub tags as the vending machine ... so




etc... This is still very much in the discussion/thinking stage.Another suggestion is to use the new sub tag 'sells' ...

SO .. I hope over time OSM will recognise that an overall structure is of benefit to all. The structure itself ... that will take yet more time.

How will this tug-of-war be organised? Will the forces at work cause OSM to tend to converge towards "quality" or self-destruction? After all, OSM says its product is the data, not a mapnik representation. The raster tiles may look OK, but the underlying data may tell a story of mapnik and OSS-carto having to work very hard to mask bad data quality. The quality of the data is not your/my issue .. it is the structure of the tags.

...which IMHO is part of the bigger picture of data quality. Quality is not the same as perfection. It is about agreeing things, complying with what has been agreed, the ability to measure the compliance objectively and feedback to help improve the compliance.

ISO 9000 is a standard for quality .. it means if you produce something .. you will continue to produce that something consistently .. rubbish or not.

'Agreed'? Buy whom? OSM can have new tags introduced by anyone. The reality of this is that tags that get used frequently by a number of mappers get 'recognised'.

Tags that get 'approved' by the tagging group get the status=approved thing, those rejected get the status=rejected .. but even the rejected tags get used, some even advocate their use. One can take the attitude that at least these tags have been review by some, compared to tags that are simply added by one person without review.

Compliance .. with what? The wiki documented tags? Those can be added by anyone. As there is no scheme/philosophy for OSM .. then you have nothing to comply to that cannot be changed so easily that it is not worth the effort.

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