I'd love to, but know I'd make a pigs ear of it. Unlike many people I'm aware of my limitations.

Those limitations, however, are not valid reasons for keeping this icon. As it doesn't help anyone learn the basics of OSM, it has no purpose on a wiki & be removed.

Dave F.

On 30/08/2015 11:50, ajt1...@gmail.com wrote:

On 30/08/2015 10:34, Dave F. wrote:

I'm looking for either a valid reason to keep it & if there is none, remove it.

Poor/lazy wiki page design doesn't seem a valid one.

Neither is giving irrelevant, baffling info to newbies. We're meant to be encouraging people to join in, not turn them away.

It's a wiki.  If you think you can improve it, do so.



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