On 9/26/2015 5:54 PM, Stephen Knox wrote:
Does it really take this long to import a planet file these days? I would be interested to know if anyone else has imported one recently. I may import one myself at some point, but if it takes 6 days I probably won't bother.

For osm2pgsql, it depends if you're planning on doing updates or updating by reimporting. On my fairly powerful dev box, it took about 24 hours for a database capable of updating. On a server with specifications designed for dealing with full planet rendering, it took about 6 hours for a database not capable of updating (--slim --drop).

http://paulnorman.ca/blog/2014/11/zfs-settings-for-osm2pgsql/ is comparing another setting, but does include details about the time taken.

The command line I used most recently is something very close to what osm2pgsql suggests, osm2pgsql --slim --drop --cache 24000 --flat-nodes nodes.bin --number-processes 8 planet-latest.osm.pbf.

Osmosis pgsnapshot is a bit different. If you don't need way geometries built, it is exceptionally fast. If you do, you need to use a tempfile unless you have 64GB of RAM. I don't have recent experience, since my last pgsnapshot imports were on VMs which had IO performance like most VMs - poor.

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