On 2015-11-02 13:24, Marc Gemis wrote: 

>> that's the difference between explicit and implicit mapping. If you are 
>> explicit, you know that it should be like that, if you rely on the absence 
>> of information / tags you might fall on your nose because the data wasn't 
>> complete etc. 
>> For some stuff it might sense to use the "no" to avoid misinterpretations by 
>> wrong asumptions, e.g. shop=tobacco, sells:cigarettes=yes, 
>> sells:cigarette_tobacco=no 
>> or highway=motorway_link, oneway=no.
>> also: sells:vegetables=only 
>> sells:cabbage=yes 
>> sells:carrots=yes
>> ...
> some shops only sells certain products during certain periods of the year. 
> All bakeries in Belgium sell chocolate figures during Sinterklaas-period and 
> chocolate eggs during easter period. 
> We will need something like "sells:chocolate_easter_eggs:yes @ 
> (easter_period)" OTOH, every Belgian knows that she can buy that in a bakery 
> in those periods. Do we really need to tag that ? It's common knowledge (when 
> you're an Belgian). 
> Also the assortment of fruitcakes and sandwiches is larger during the 
> weekends.  
> For Christmas eve or New Years Eve, you might also be able to order starters. 
> Butchers and bakeries might even become deli's during this period.

There are many things in OSM which are time-dependent. Max speeds and
other restrictions on the road, opening hours of attractions etc etc.
With a bit of luck we can re-use these mechanisms if the product
assortment needs to vary by time. 

BUT let's not make the product categories too narrow. "cakes" might be
OK, but "fruit_cakes" may be a step too far. "chocolates" might be OK,
but "chocolate_easter_eggs" is getting a bit too specific. All IMHO by
the way, this is not an exact science... But is it easier to start with
broad categories and then subdivide them as the need arises, or to start
with detailed categories and then consider clustering, consolidating and
rationalising them later? I suggest the first approach, as experience
teaches that the clustering/consolidation/rationalisation rarely
happens. So better to stick to the broader categories to start with. 

> What about supermarkets and wine? In Belgium and France it is normal that 
> they sell wine. Not so in Sweden, where wine is sold via state-operated 
> shops. 
> Would it be enough to write shop=supermarket; sells:wine=no ?

Sounds about right to me... except it is not only wine, but all
alcoholic drinks isn't it? Do we need to distinguish between wine, beer
and spirits? I suspect that would be very relevant, as most supermarkets
do not sell spirits but some do, with a special license. So you should
add sells:beer=no as well, bearing in mind that "beer" here is intended
as a category not a single product - I would expect it to include cider
as well, for example. 


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