On 2/11/2015 10:35 PM, Colin Smale wrote:

I see your point Martin. So all we need now (for your example) is a documented map from shop=tobacco to a list of sells:*=* tags which are default for shop=tobacco. One would reasonably expect sells:cigarettes=yes, sells:pipe_tobacco=yes and sells:rolling_tobacco=yes, but I am not sure about sells:chewing_tobacco or actual devices such as rolling machines and pipes. The product categories may also appear with other types of shop, like shop=supermarket might have sells:pipe_cleaners=yes if anyone finds it necessary to tag that. So we have a simple, flat list of product categories, with a 1:n mapping from shop type to product categories.

Tobacco shops

* Main tag: shop=tobacco

* Typical product categories and defaults for this type of shop:

** cigarettes (yes)

** pipe_tobacco (yes)

** rolling_tobacco (yes)

** chewing_tobacco (unknown)

** snuff (unknown)

** pipes (unknown)

** pipe cleaners (unknown)

** rolling machines (unknown)

Back to our chemists/drugstores/pharmacies, I would suggest prescription_only_medicines, pharmacy_only_medicines, general_medicines, plus a bunch of others to represent the wide variety of things you get in "drugstores" like household_cleaning, hair_products, etc.

The "art" is going to be choosing these product categories so they are a) not so specific that the list gets too long and unwieldy and b) not too high-level that they add too little distinction between the shop types ("medicines" would probably be an example of this).

Once that is up and running .. people will then want to have the brand of cigarette/snuff/tobacco .. as they only like one brand...

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