Hi all,

Talking about notes and edits from applications, what is the best option
between creating a new object in OSM or adding a note for this kind of app?

I'm here thinking about the objects added recently by some maps.me users.
As the offline maps provided by maps.me are only updated "with almost every
new release" (http://maps.me/en/help), there is a possible problem of
duplication. A question has been asked here about it:
https://github.com/mapsme/omim/issues/2953. The answer from maps.me
addresses only the problem of accuracy (which is another one) not the
problem of duplication. I already encountered both problems (one including
the modification of a POI name to replace it with something wrong).

A lot of people started using maps.me -- BTW a great app which allows to
promote nicely OSM --- or similar applications, and probably more people
will use it in a near future. This could lead to the need of a quite heavy
maintenance (mostly for the POIs) for (local) OSM contributors as these
edits are quite difficult to track (1 modification = 1 changeset). Is there
a way to link all these communities of users/contributors together in order
to benefit to the map?

I would be glad to have your opinion on this.


On 6 May 2016 at 07:54, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:

> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Deanna Earley <d...@earlsoft.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm also in discussion with Navmii themselves to try and get them to
>> stop adding these, or at least curbing/moderating what they are adding.
> Another suggestion would be to have some system in place that replies to
> notes can get back to the original submitter from the OSM community.  I
> don't recall encountering these notes myself, but the inability to close
> the communications loop is a big factor in what made Mapdust
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MapDust> a nearly unmitigated failure
> (the biggest mitigating factor is that you can see a snippet to see what
> the routing engine was thinking, where the user was traveling and a
> category, so there was the possibility of getting some high quality
> feedback for surprisingly minimal effort from real people using it instead
> of map nerds).
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