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> Il giorno 22 giu 2016, alle ore 08:17, Tomas Straupis 
> <> ha scritto:
> My question/proposal was about what to do with failed proposals in
> general. That is:
> 1. How to identify a "failed" proposal
> 2. What to do with it
> My proposal for point 1 is:
> If after say two years new schema does not get at least equal tagging
> count as the old schema - proposal failed.

I am generally against such harsh measures, if a new way to tag has advantages, 
it has them even if only 20% of applicable objects are tagged with it. And 20% 
endorsement isn't actually a fail IMHO. FWIW, if you want to establish a hard 
time frame, it should be as long as the former tagging was in use.

> P.S. This only influences proposals which are CHANGING tagging.

so it would not apply to the water tag, because it doesn't change tagging but 
is an amendment?

> P.P.S. There should also be guards against such proposals in the first
> place, but lets park it for now.

there are hardly any proposals that change tagging for changes sake.  Even the 
well established but strongly criticized highway=path proposal introduced a new 
feature class that didn't exist before (narrow ways that have no 
dedicated/preferred means of transport, and ways that have two or more equally 
important means of transport/shared dedication).

Usually these proposals that change established tagging are set up because 
there are issues with the current way of doing things, e.g. in the beginning 
power=station was used for substations and power=generator for power stations. 
While you can adopt to oddities like these, they surely raise the bar for new 
mappers, introduce unnecessary complexity and tend to lead to tagging errors by 
people less aware of wiki definitions.

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