the whole process is too opaque. Also there are different protagonists
posting on wiki and email list. The gallery tag clarification stalled,
because what looked like a consensus on the email list had one loud
opponent on the wiki and not many other voices. I did not see any
voting. IMHO the process is inherently flawed.

On 2016년 06월 22일 15:17, Tomas Straupis wrote:
> My question/proposal was about what to do with failed proposals in
> general. That is:
> 1. How to identify a "failed" proposal
> 2. What to do with it
> My proposal for point 1 is:
> If after say two years new schema does not get at least equal tagging
> count as the old schema - proposal failed.
> My proposal for point 2 is:
> Mark that proposal as filed" in wiki. Mark all wiki pages which were
> marked as "deprecated" because of the failed proposal as "valid".
> P.S. This only influences proposals which are CHANGING tagging.
> P.P.S. There should also be guards against such proposals in the first
> place, but lets park it for now.

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