On fös 19.ágú 2016 01:27, Mike Thompson wrote:
> At the moment I am working from a slow internet connection. It seems
> that JOSM only uses its imagery cache if there is no connection at
> all. If there is a connection it seems that it always attempts to
> fetch tiles from the source even they are already in the cache..  Is
> this the intended functionality? It would be nice that if once imagery
> was cached the cache was hit. I often find myself revisiting a given
> area within minutes.  For example, I may draw all the roads, and then
> go back over the area to draw all of the buildings.
> Mike

Don't have an inside answer of this functionality (since I'm not on the
JOSM team nor have I reviewed the code). There was some work done on
imagery caching and released with version 10786 (as per the changelog of
that version). Are you using that version (or a later release)?

- Svavar Kjarrval

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