On 2016-11-09 13:47, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
El onsdag 9. november 2016 13.36.11 CET Craig Wallace escribió:
Is it just for streets? Or can you add photos of footpaths, cyclepaths,
railways, rivers etc. Or any other feature you can travel along.
Why not have a name with less focus on streets?

For the same reason OpenStreetMap has footpaths, cyclepaths, railways, rivers
but is still called openSTREETmap?

That's more for historical reasons and tradition. I think the OpenStreetMap name may be confusing, and discourage potential contributors. But it is now a well known brand, so not worth the effort of changing it. And the community would never agree on what to change it to.

But if OpenStreetView *has* to change its name, it could change to something more inclusive. And something more distinct from OpenStreetMap, to make it clear it is a separate project.

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