On 12/10/2016 08:47 PM, john whelan wrote:
I just did a search on part of Mozambique and came across more than 500 highway=living_street.

I always understood them to be a European concept highway with signs on the street and a very low max speed. I wouldn't have expected to see so many clustered together in Mozambique.

Idle curiosity are they a legal entity in Mozambique and other parts of Africa?

A while ago (https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-fr/2013-August/061580.html) I started a thread about usage of highway=living_street in Africa. The resulting consensus was that, while unpaved residential streets in Africa are living streets in practice, they are not legally classified that way - and therefore the correct tagging is highway=residential... But participants in the thread were mostly experienced with French-speaking Africa - so I cannot rule out the existence of a living street legal classification in other locales.

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