On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:16:13AM +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> On 02/23/2017 09:56 AM, joost schouppe wrote:
> >     feed or inbox, but spam that you actually have to search for is maybe
> >     not a top priority that admins should dedicate time to removing?
> > 
> > Well the annoyance with spam does pop up often enough. The usual answer
> > to things like this in the OSM ecosystem is "why don't you do it
> > yourself". I've not seen this answer for spam. Is there no easy way for
> > people to become spam-police if they like to do so?
> Becoming "spam-police" would require the privilege to close any account
> and hide/delete the account profile. This is not a privilege that I
> would like to hand out lightly to someone who likes being police,
> especially since over-eager "spam-police" have mis-identified genuine
> user profiles in foreign languages as spam in the past.

Every larger system that allows user contributions has a "report this as
spam" button. If a few people click on that, an admin reviews and
handles this. Sounds like an obvious solution that could also work for
OSM. Not being able to report problems is frustrating to users. The
whole question of who decides what is spam and what isn't is a bit
besides the point here, isn't it? Obviously somebody is already handling
this as you mention and it works. But what would help is a nice button.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  https://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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