Hi Ilya,

For the State of the Map, we're going to do a community survey for the
second time to help pick interesting sessions. If you wind up with much
more than ten tasks, I'm available to set up an open survey to help set
priorities. Just like in the State of the Map case, it could just be one of
the tools to come up with the actual list in the end. But it does open up
the discussion to many more people, and it was perceived as a quite useful
tool by the selection comittee.

2017-04-06 9:52 GMT+02:00 Ilya Zverev <i...@zverev.info>:

> Hi everyone,
> Since 2008 we had a https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Top_Ten_Tasks
> wiki page which listed things new developers could work on, that would
> improve OSM users experience. Things like OSM bugs (notes) integration, an
> improved history tab and clickable points of interest. The list was last
> updated in 2011.
> We at the Engineering Working Group are now working towards updating the
> top ten tasks page, so it reflects needs and wishes of the current
> OpenStreetMap users and mappers. We have some ideas, but we also need your
> help.
> You all use the website, the API and other core services daily. And you
> must have things that are bothering you, or that you wish were implemented.
> Please go to https://pads.ccc.de/k4rlFOGIHb and add these to the list.
> Anything can go there: it's a brainstorming, not a final list.
> Next Tuesday, when the EWG meets, we will look through the list and
> identify the tasks for the top ten. If you wish to attend, mark the time:
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EW
> G+Meeting&iso=20170411T20&ah=1 and set up Mumble:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mumble . We will be happy to hear
> your thoughts.
> Ilya
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Joost Schouppe
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