If the OSMF tile servers were to be used to provide webmaps for a vast 
audience, I would understand double labeling in English. 
That not the primary purpose, though. 

Le 24 septembre 2017 23:01:00 GMT+02:00, Matthijs Melissen 
<i...@matthijsmelissen.nl> a écrit :
>Hi all,
>I would like to ask for your opinion on the choice of language used in
>the Default map on openstreetmap.org.
>This map (based on the openstreetmap-carto style) currently displays
>all labels in their native language (as defined in the 'name' tag).
>For example, we have a label 北京市 for Beijing, a label موريتانيا for
>Mauritania, and a label Magyarország for Hungary.
>The openstreetmap-carto team quite frequently receives requests to
>(additionally) display labels in English (or in any case the
>Latin-alphabet). The people making these requests state that the map
>is currently not very usable for an international audience, as many
>people are not able to read labels in for example Arabic or Mandarin.
>Some areas where this problem is particularly visible:
>A prominent case of such a request is from the Gnome Maps team, who
>decided not to use the Default style for this reason:
>From an ideologic viewpoint, I am very much in favour of not giving
>preferential treatment to any particular language. Using the local
>language seems fair in this respect. On the other hand, from a
>pragmatic point of view I can also see that using English (in
>addition) would significantly increase the usefulness of the map to
>many people.
>I would be interested to know what others think about this. An option,
>for example, would be to display countries names, and perhaps the
>names of big cities, in English as well as in the local language.
>Note: making the map available in multiple language versions is
>something we like to do in the future, however, this requires quite
>significant technical changes. Therefore, this is out of scope for
>More information on this issue can be found on Github:
>I'm looking forward to your opinions.
>Kind regards,
>Matthijs Melissen
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