2017-09-27 8:30 GMT+02:00 Safwat Halaby <swiftf...@gmx.com>:

> On Tue, 2017-09-26 at 11:46 +0200, Jo wrote:
> > Then load that in PostGIS and create scripts to read GTFS into
> > PostGIS.
> >
> > Then compare the data in the DB and produce output and ideally a UI.
> >
> > I started doing something like that here:
> >
> > https://github.com/osmbe/public_transport
> >
> > Let me know if you see ways of working on that or another way to
> > tackle the
> > problem together.
> >
> > Jo
> I will check the project out. Thanks for the link. Would you mind
> explaining what it is capable of? The readme is not so descriptive.

For the time being not so much yet. Before the summer I made some progress
migrating scripts I had created for an import of Belgian bus stops and
lines, but during the summer I got a bit 'distracted' by mentoring the
PT_Assistant plugin.

The basic idea is to take operator data, either GTFS or a dump of their
internal DB.

Then compare all the stops regarding tags and position. For the stops the
other tables routes, trips and segments, can be used to calculate route_ref.

Then create OSM route relations based on their data and compare to what is
present in OSM.

This is where it becomes trickier to keep track of their versions and ours,
especially if the intent is to both give feedback to the operators and have
a platform showing mappers which stops, routes and route_masters are in
need of attention.

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