Someone's just asked a question over on the forum asking about "OSM maps that are accessible for the visually impaired" .  I said I'd ask here as this list probably has a wider readership.

Question from forum follows:

"we are currently exploring whether there are any OSM based mapping apps that can be used by visually impaired users. We would like the visually impaired user to be able to interact with the map possibly (and very likely) in conjunction with Apple's Voiceover.

Currently if I use Apple's Voiceover and other mapping applications such as Google maps or TripAdvisor, and if there are several POIs appearing as icons on the map, when using Voiceover to navigate these maps to find the POIs with my finger, none of the POIs are called out.

So I am assuming these maps are not accessible for the visually impaired user. However, when using Apples Voice Over with Apple Maps, Voiceover will callout the POIs on the map.

What I would to find out is whether anyone has created any mapping applications that are accessible and could do the following:

When a user taps or selects a POI, Voiceover will read out information including how far the POI is from the user's current location."

Best Regards,


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